About Us
What is Anacortes Senior College?
The Anacortes Senior College was an idea created by Dr. George Kovach in the fall of 2006. He placed an ad in the Anacortes American asking for interested persons, and he met with several during the fall and winter months. Their planning resulted in a set of five courses offered in spring, 2007, which were held in classrooms donated by the Anacortes Middle School.
Searches for potential instructors and requests for course topics led to a rapid and self-perpetuating growth which, at the end of 15 years, has reached more than 9,000 new or repeat senior students and has involved over 140 instructors with our various classes.
ASC is run by and taught by volunteers. Classes are offered during fall, winter and spring quarters, and still meet at the Anacortes Middle School, for two hours per week for either three weeks or six weeks. Recently, one class per quarter is located at the Anacortes Senior Activity Center to expand options for our seniors. ASC strives to provide a diverse curriculum in a no-stress environment that is comfortable for both learning and socializing. A six-week course is $30; a three-week course is $20.
The college could not exist without the cooperation of the Anacortes School District. The Anacortes Senior College Board of Directors has donated to the school district and to the Middle School as specific needs are identified. To date, school donations have been made to AVID (college preparatory program), AHS Broadcast Club, AMS Hawk TV, AHS Choir/Band/Jazz Choir, AMS Reader Board, textbooks for elementary students, special summer programs (mentorship, mental health, and Jump Start), National History Day student projects, AMS band chairs, AMS/AHS Choir and Band competitions, Elementary Scholarships for Salish Sea science programs, AHS Preforming Arts and founding board member Beth Prins/ASC Scholarship.
In addition, the Board of Directors has assigned donations to senior related needs such as the Anacortes Senior Center and Hospice NW in memory of former board member, Phil Cunningham.
Board of Directors
- Denise Gechas — President
- Susan Smith — Past President
- Kathleen Flanagan — Secretary
- Bill Epler — Treasurer
- Barrie Hughlock — Director of Curriculum
- Susan Smith — Director of Operations
- Karen Eichler — Public Relations
- Lexie Lamborn
- Lynda Harper
- Michael Mills
- Justin Irish, D.Ed., Ex Officio
- Paul Vance, Registrar
Instructors Wanted
Are you interested in teaching a class? Do you know a friend or neighbor who may want to share their interests by teaching a class? We’re always looking for enthusiastic and passionate individuals who would enjoy teaching and sharing their knowledge. Please contact us to discuss the possibility of teaching at ASC.
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